Comfort is always an Option


imageMr Elder is a NY state licensed massage therapist, mindfulness-based meditation and mindful movement teacher with over 30 years of clinical experience. He specializes in comfort-focused touch and therapeutic stress reduction for seriously ill patients.

Sessions are focused on improving comfort, while relieving symptoms such as pain, physical discomfort, restlessness, insomnia and anxiety. 

Depending upon a patient's abilities and motivation, specific recommendations for mind and body self-care will be provided.

Instruction for caregivers will also be provided, if desired. 

Each session is tailored to meet changing needs and preferences of every patient. 

JD currently works in the New York City area only. A clinician referral (e.g., MD, DO, PT) is appreciated, but not necessary, to schedule an appointment.

Mr.Elder is happy to work with a patient's clinician(s) to develop an effective plan to maximally support comfort, well being and self-care.


“Dear JD, This is a way overdue thank you note. Last year, you gave my father, and me, a short massage. He was in the hospital on a palliative care unit. My dad died shortly after you left and I have never forgotten what felt like an enormous act of kindness and generosity on your part. Your interventions brought peace and comfort to me and my family and for this I am grateful to you.”   -- patient's daughter

"Dear JD, My partner was in intense pain and discomfort from kidney disease in his final days. Your visit resulted in rare moments of relief, so much so that he asked about you several times after you had left. And you also patiently showed me how to do a few things for him. So, thank you for all that you do, but especially for what you did for my friend in need in his final days. On a day when nothing could treat his pain, your touch worked wonders.” -- patient's partner

"There are countless patient examples that come to mind. One patient, MK, in particular was profoundly affected by JD. While here for countless treatments, including multiple transplants, Mr. K developed a "rough exterior" distrusting of the medical staff and angry re: his poor health. Meanwhile, he also developed profound deafness due to infection and treatments. Unable to hear, his ability to connect to practitioners was even more difficult. JD broke through with ease. Mr. K would request JD and appear more relaxed and at ease just knowing JD was on his way. After a session with JD, Mr. K would take on the challenges of his day in stride- reporting less pain, anxiety and increased overall wellness. The impact of JD's work is boundless and immeasurable. This example is just one of many patient stories that were positively affected by JD."  

--Bone Marrow Transplant Nurse Practitioner

For more information, please click on  "About JD" and "Services & Rates" tabs.

If you have additional questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please click on "Contact JD" and send a message. Please indicate referral source and contact information,  Thank you.