
The first time a child falls to the ground, his mother goes to him, holds him, and wipes away his tears. From this simple beginning we learn to associate healing with gentle, caring, loving touch. As instinctual as reaching out to comfort a hurt child, we all reach out to people in need. When humans fall physically, mentally or emotionally, wonderful work can be done through the compassionate care of doctors, counselors and psychologists. But might there be something missing? Historically, healing has always been accompanied by physical touch. Examples abound of transformations and miracles occurring with just one touch.

To experience how massage and Healing Touch can transform your body and your life, set up an appointment today. Dates and times are flexible, and massage can be done in your home. 

Call 847-347-3265, or email akoruba@yahoo.com

Thanks for visiting, and have a peaceful day.