Services & Rates

Qigong Shiatsu

$80 per 50 minutes

Gentle and relaxing pressure point therapy infused with pure and positive Universal Life Force Energy. Good for increasing vitality and balancing out one's emotions. Available with or without the inclusion of flowing "Swedish" techniques to add a degree of pampering to your session. This treatment is also highly effective for pain relief and assisting in the recovery from a wide range of physical ailments.

Ask and Receive Session

$80 per 50 Minutes

This powerful and direct mental/emotional technique can help you gain new insight into, and relief from, the underlying cause of a variety of unpleasant and unproductive states and conditions. Do you suffer from anxiety? Depression? Persistent Anger? Many people have found remarkable and extraordinary benefit, very quickly, with this innovative method. David Shaman has been trained directly by the developers of this phenomenal approach which is rapidly gaining national and international acclaim. Ask and Receive can also be used for support with physical complaints as well.                                                  image

Integrative Somatic Therapy

$80 per 50 Minutes

This treatment integrates the very best of Qigong Shiatsu and Ask & Receive, along with the clearing of your energy centers and electro-magnetic field from negative influences that have been accumulated from a variety of sources. Each session is individually tailored to the specific needs of the individual and what they are going through. Do you feel run down? Uninspired? Angry? Irritable? Just not "Yourself"? You may need a good clearing from toxic and destructive energies that have taken hold in you. These harmful forces can muddy up our vital potency (or "Chi"), and literally bog us down. You will feel better when you are cleansed of them!

Extended Integrative Session

$110 per 80 Minutes

Very often, when deeper healing and cleansing work are being accomplished, 50 minutes will seem to go by VERY quickly! This treatment offers you a FULL HALF HOUR more time on the table, for a discounted price. This is more time for you to process and adjust to the positive changes being received, and more time to just relax and enjoy your session!

Deluxe Integrative Session!

$140 per Full Two Hours!!!!

This intensive session allows you a FULL two hours (120 minutes total, not two 50 minute treatments), to have plenty of time to soak in the whole positive experience and have it be all about you for a couple of solid hours. You can combine any of the above treatments into this session in order to create and enjoy your ideal and most pampering healing experience. Treat yourself to a wonderful rejuvenation that will have lasting benefit.

Chair Massage

$1.50 per minute

For a one hour minimum David will come to your location! (within certain geographic limitations) This can be divided up between you and your friends or co-workers. Ask about the corporate wellness packages. All treatments performed directly through clothing in an ergonomically designed massage chair.