Human Mechanic
Professional Massage Therapy


              If you’re looking for a massage that transcends all the realms of health, you’ve come to the right place.

Chair Massage : This is typically used for corporate events. Chair Massage in Pittsburgh is really starting to catch on. It might be the fastest way to bring relaxation into the work place.

Table Massage : This is where you really want some lasting destressing effects.

Nutritional Coaching : If the daily stresses are getting to be too much, let me show you how the right foods can help! 

Movement : All to often is repetitious behaviors that allow that bad posture and stress to get into the body. Getting the right stretches and exercises into your life can really help keep that stress at bay. 

I am trained in a variety of modalities. Stretching, Thai, Shiatsu, deep tissue, Neuromuscular, Trigger point, Structural Reintegration, Myofascial Release, Chair Massage, Activated isolated stretching (AIS), and Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) Stretching are just a few of the tools in my tool box that I bring to the table. Power Lifting, Body Building, Basketball, and Volleyball are also skill sets that I bring to the table. My back ground in the United States Marine Corps along with my travels around the world have also helped create a very unique set of skills that can take your massage to new heights.

Does your neck hurt? Always feeling stiff you when you wake up? Lower back in pain? Think your knees are going bad? Hips out of wack? Bad shoulders? These are just a few of the things that my massage can help with. Always feel like the massage you got was missing something? It could be as simple as a muscle that needs released to a muscle that is stronger than the other muscles in a particular area causing pain. Those are all things that I specialize in.

I am also a certified raw foods nutritionist and have a back ground in fitness which includes power lifting, body building, basketball, football, volleyball, and obstacle courses. I am part of the Legionnaire club (Tough Mudder) and have run many of the obstacle course events that come through Pittsburgh.

If you are here just for a massage or are looking for more, I am here for you. Please feel free to send me any questions you might have.


Thanks for visiting, and have a wonderful day.